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GEN II   Install Guides

The Gen II module was updated in 2022 in response to customer feedback. The siren attenuator was removed and a non-timed ignition circuit was added. Your model can be identified by looking at fuse position #26 (see image Below/Right; click to enlarge). If the text “siren attenuator” is present, you have a pre-’22 panel. If the text “non-timed ignition” is present, you have a ‘22+ panel.



Different molding between revisions of Gen 2 fuse panel

Other Gen II Resources:

Information in this section is not affected by the 2022 revision.



Please refer to the Covert Patrol (Universal) page in our product catalog. The instruction sheet for Covert Patrol includes details pertaining to each of the various kits and harness versions.

Chevrolet tahoe running board mpower bezel

Please refer to the CTRUNBMPMT page in our product catalog for detailed instructions, a printable template, and a demonstration video.

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